Thursday, February 4, 2010


Many times, when we think of ‘hero,’ people like Superman, Batman, or other caped characters come to mind. We think of those with physical strength pulling us to safety. But, sometimes, the biggest heroes in our lives never lifted one finger to do anything physical for us.

Many times, when someone would ask me who my hero was, I’d instantly respond with my mother.

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My mom has been there for me through thick and thin. She’s helped me numerous times financially. She has become my free babysitter on many occasions, helped with my bills on many other occasions, and even helped to feed me and my children many more times. She’s been my rock. She’s been what keeps me grounded and alive at the same time. She’s been the listening ear, always giving me what I needed to hear and the truth, and the shoulder to cry on. She showed me how to love unconditionally.  From the day I was born she’s always been right, yet somehow I never seem to grasp that concept.

For the longest, she was the only person I ever thought of as my hero. In reality, I have the ultimate hero to thank for having my mother there for me along with my other heroes that have slowly built up and become realizations for me over the years.

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Without Him, nothing is possible. With Him, everything is possible.

God brought many other heroes into my life. Some I didn’t realize were my heroes until more recently. Some I was never able to see as my heroes, but were.

I have to credit my mother and father following God. My father is one I would’ve never been able to see as my hero, but he is in so many ways. He had a hand in creating me. He gave me the gift of strength and the ability to be stubborn which has helped along with hindering me in several situations. I always saw stubbornness as being a negative quality, but in reality, it’s what keeps me alive. It’s what keeps my hope alive.

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My brother has also been my hero. He helps keep my Faith alive. Financially, he’s helped me see things that when left alone, I would not have ever noticed.

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My children have been big saviors in my life. For the longest time, I wondered just why God gave them to me. I continually asked why God lead me to the decisions I made in order for them to be a reality. I would tell myself things like “they could be Presidents one day and change the world.” No, they changed me. They have bigger purposes than that on this Earth, but those purposes need not be questioned because they are known. They are my main reason for living—for fighting every day. I think of the song, “When I See You Smile” when I think of how they have been my heroes. “Sometimes I wanna give up, wanna give in, wanna quit the fight. Then one look at you baby, and everything’s alright.”

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Allen has been the best man I’ve ever met during my years of dating. No offense to anyone else who may read this, but it’s the truth and sometimes it hurts. He’s an awesome father to our son, a wonderful friend, and one of the best individuals I’ve ever met. Without him, I wouldn’t have Jalen. On Earth, he’s been the only protector and provider, outside of parents, that I’ve known.

I can’t forget the many true friends who have stood by me through thick and thin over the years. Some have moved on or I have lost contact with, but I’ll never forget them. They’ve all given me so much and helped in so many ways, and unfortunately, there’s too many to name or list pictures.

For reasons some may already know, the last two do not have pictures posted. Pictures of the last two no longer exist on this computer or in my home thanks to the bitter moments that existed within my being.

As bad as it may sound to some, Jonas also needs credit for being a hero in my life. He was the first who showed me how to love, or how to be in love would be a better phrase. He showed me what it was like to feel butterflies and see the stars in another person’s eyes. He also helped lead me to learn to forgive. He was the first person I had to learn to forgive before I could officially move on and learn to love again. Unfortunately, forgiveness took years, but it happened.

Finally, I have to give some credit to Taurean, my youngest son’s father. Without  him, Caden would not be possible. He may not be the best person in the world, but he’s still a hero in some aspect nonetheless.

For those mentioned who may be reading this, don’t let it go to your head guys. :) Always remember, you all hold some special place in my heart and always will. You’re all special and loved. For everyone else, always remember that you’re always someone’s hero whether they actually tell you, or even realize it, or not.

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***Please put "BFF 32" in the title of your blog*** 

The BFF 32 inspiration:

Who is your hero?  Dead, alive or imaginary?

*Blogs must be posted by midnight on Sunday, FEBRUARY 7*

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