Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Grown and Sexy vs Young, Dumb, and Slightly Trampy

Grown and Sexy is more than just the name of a Babyface album.

Nearly every week, I see posts from Facebook friends announcing parties, shows, special events at local "night clubs," bars, dives, etc stating they are only for the "grown and sexy." Of course, they all throw in there that it's 21 and up only.

Truth is, it's a scam. It's a club or bar owner's way of getting more people to come spend money at their establishment. That's the way I see it.

Let's face it. Grown and sexy means something totally different to a 21 year old female or male than it does to a 30 year old female or male. When I think grown and sexy, I damn sure don't think 21 year old. I think 25 and up, and even then, not all in that age group are what I would call "grown and sexy."

I've been into a "club" before after being told is was for the "grown and sexy" only, looked around, and seriously felt like a camel in a llama farm. Yes, that out of place and awkward.

grown and sexyGrown and Sexy Back

You have the young, immature-looking, possibly promiscuous, half naked female on the left versus those individuals on the right who look a little more "grown and sexy." Now, the one on the left could very well be completely opposite what she looks like she really is. And those on the right could very well be the promiscuous crowd. Clothing doesn't always define the type of person you are, but in my experience, it's typically a good sign.

A definition found from urbandictionary.com says grown and sexy means "older, mature yet hip; something that is for a more mature group of people." From the same location, grown is shown as meaning "acting mature, doing what older people do, no longer acting like a little kid." Sexy... well, I'll let you look it up for yourself. Those definitions from that location made me want to drown the writers of the definitions somewhere in the Pacific ocean.

Generally, most 21 year-olds feel they are "grown," yet they still tend to act impulsively (like a little kid), and do not act mature.The following are definitions (not from urbandictionary.com) of "mature:"
  1. acting or seeming like adult: showing the mental, emotional, or physical characteristics associated with a fully developed adult person
  2. experienced: showing qualities gained by development and experience
  3. adult: adult or fully grown

Now, to wrap it all up....

Yes, a 21 year-old may have the physical characteristics associated with a fully developed adult person, BUT they do not have the mental or emotional characteristics of one simply because the human brain is not fully developed until mid to late 20's.

One argument... The second is that a 21 year-old does not typically show qualities gained by experience. How can they? They've only been legally deemed an adult for 3 years. That's generally not enough time to gain experience, especially when the brain hasn't even finished developing.

Now, when I go into an establishment that has advertised it is for the "grown and sexy only," I tend to look around wishing I could tell half the men and women who THINK they're "grown" to spread their wings and fly away, in not such nice terms.

Ask my 21 year-old self what "grown and sexy" means to her, and she'll tell you a totally different story.

What does "grown and sexy" mean to you?


Anonymous said...

Marvin Martian here!
8 points Earthling!:)
Never been to one of those places I just don't feel grown up enough I do feel sexy tho! :)

liam said...

I am 19 and i agree with u. I can't stand to walk in to a place where my peers do things that i did when i was 13. And the women.. i am not saying that when a half naked chick walks in front of me i am not going to look sure i will look after all its advertisment. But that is where i draw the line. And its not just me, my friends who also range in the younger age group believe the same way.Guys like modesty (whether they admit it or not) if every friend has "seen" the goods then the mystery and value is gone and its time to move on. and it is not just with dress either its in their actions as well. Good Post!

Rachelle said...

Thanks Marvin!!! :) <3 And you are sexy, don't let no one tell you any different. :)

Liam, you're one unique individual. :) Props to you! :)

Anonymous said...

Joanie thinks you are very intelligent in your view! Although I must say some 21 year olds have lived through some life altering experiences,and there are many young people that are mature for their age.

I wish I had known then what I know now. I might have changed a few things, but I am happy with my life now.

Anonymous said...

When I was 21, I was a pretty good student. Now, I am an excellent student. ~ Myke