Friday, January 27, 2012

At the End of the Day - BFF 162

We're all alone.

Lonely, inside our own personal shells where no one else understands our feelings, emotions, pain, heartache, thoughts, fears, memories...

The person beside you labels themselves as your friend.

They remind you of their number, encourage you to vent...

The one behind you says they have your back; they understand; they've been in your shoes; they want you to lean on them for support...

The one in front?

They're one step ahead of you, reciting what your mind has jumbled up and hasn't spoken, spouting off helpful advice, diagnosing you with unheard of disorders and pointing out your symptoms.

Below you is the hand holding you down - allowing you and almost demanding you respond based off your emotions.

And at the end of the day, you've become hollow, yet confused and anxiety-ridden.


Nowhere to turn...


And no one understands but you, and God if you allow Him, at the end of the day.


Darlene ~Bloggity Blogger~ said...

I like this very much. Very insightful! And so very true.

Mojo Writin said...

Well written, if somewhat negative. I have to say that I probably wouldn't be here today if it hadn't been for those friends around me. I'll rely on then every time. My goddess guides me, gives me a nudge in the right direction but I love the fact that she leaves the ultimate choices up to me. That is a positive way to be, for me at least *smile*