Saturday, May 26, 2012

Start of Something New - BFF Focus on This Wk 3

 I chose to redo my flower bed this spring...

You should've seen the bushes that were originally there. These are BEAUTIFUL (even without the roses on them yet) already in comparison! 

 And my first attempt at growing flowers from seedlings...

Some of them look like the one above...

 And others look like this one above!!! :) 

Although, I'm a little concerned with the drooping leaves... maybe they're supposed to look like that? 

 This is another rose bush... 

Knockout roses they call them... Not for sure what the deal is with the red leaves ? Maybe it's supposed to look like that? 

As you can see, I have no green thumb... 

So we're going to see, in due time, what's up with the droopy and strange-colored leaves...

Maybe I'll have pictures of actual flowers soon. :) 


Anonymous said...

My thumb isn't green, either. Luckily, my hubby's is. :O)

Jo said...

They all look good to me! Seedlings are droopy sometimes, give them time!
The rose bushes look great.

Darlene ~Bloggity Blogger~ said...

The red leaves are new growth. They will turn green. I would water a bit more. Leaves shouldn't droop. I used to grow roses as my hobby. You are doing great with the roses. Just water the other ones in the morning to fortify them for the heat of the day.

I giggled a little when you said you might have actual flowers soon. LOL

Rachelle said...

lol So I WON'T have actual flowers soon? lol