Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Day 3: When single is AWESOME!

Day 3: Describe a moment or a day when being single was really awesome.
The Single Woman's 30-Day Blogging Challenge

When you want to lay around in your PJs and veg on the worst junk food ever while watching chic flicks all day.

The day after ending a bad relationship. 

The night when you want to hog the entire bed all to yourself... covers and all, without guilt.

When you're out with your girls, and the hot guy at the bar is hitting on you.

When you want to sit around and enjoy peace and quiet... alone.

Going to the grocery store and spending less money, paying less on your bills, and one less person to buy for during birthdays and holidays. 

When you want to make decisions about your life, on your own. 

For me, the feeling of being in my own space, and safe in it, has been one of the best feelings, most days. 

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