Thursday, March 5, 2015

Day 5: Lonely can mean peaceful and happy...


I personally feel like there are several about single life that are deserving of attention.

Single life is lonely...
Says who? Sure, it has its lonely moments, but then again, doesn't marriage and any other normal relationship? Loneliness is a sad and horrible part of being a human that experiences emotions, but it's normal. The dictionary defines "lonely" as "sad because one has no friends or company." We all go through spells in life where we at least feel like we have no friends or no one around us for company. And sometimes, we all have periods in our life where we would welcome feeling a little lonely once in a while. The dictionary gives another definition of "lonely" as "unfrequented and remote" such as a "lonely stretch of country lane." So many people think of "lonely" as a negative word, but when I read the second definition of "lonely," I experience more positive feelings such as "peaceful" and "happy."

Single life past a certain age means "old cat lady"....
First of all, I don't care what age my birth certificate says I am, I will never call myself "old." Now, the day may come where I am 85 in reality, but I call myself 45, but you will never hear me define myself as being "old" (doesn't mean you won't hear me say "I feel old" or "I'm getting old"). This is simply not fact until someone shows me where it says that you most certainly will be single forever if you are single past a certain age. And I'm pretty positive one could be a "cat lady" no matter what their age or relationship status.

Being single is sad....
No, no. I've met several married people who are sad much more frequently than many of the single people I've met. Sad is another emotion that all humans will experience at least once or twice in their lives - whether single, married, living with someone, whatever the case. One could be happy more in their single lives than they ever could be in married life, just as one could be sad more in their single lives than they ever could be in married life. It's all what you make of it.

Day 5:  The biggest misconception you think people have about single life
The Single Woman's 30-Day Blogging Challenge

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