Sunday, August 23, 2009



This is more or less a welcome message – probably the best damn welcome message you’ll see from this side of Blogger. Sure, sure, it’s a little behind seeing as how I’ve already posted a couple blogs, but I promise I’ll make this short and sweet.

I’ve been blogging over on MySpace for a few years now. I’ve found I really enjoy it there. I still plan to blog there but over the next couple weeks, I’m going to dwindle down and move things this way. Why? Because I have Windows Live Writer, I’m lazy, and Live Writer publishes pictures and all straight to my blog without me having to do anything extra. :)

Plus, I figured out how to make my own categories, thank you very much Windows Live Spaces and your lame can’t-search-for-other-blogs interface. ;)

I gained a good amount of readers, not outrageously huge but good enough for the little effort I put in, on MySpace. Hopefully some will still read what I write here. Occasionally, I’m sure I’ll still copy and paste a few “rated A” blogs over there, but yea you get the picture.

No, I don’t feel I’m pulling a “bye bye MySpace.” I LOVE MySpace! It’s just not wonderful for blogging. I will still be participating in the blogging challenges and groups I pay attention to over there, and hopefully will find one or two over here to join in on also.


I found a way (good or not, who cares) to keep myself motivated and steer myself away from that horrid writer’s block. See that nice little picture up top? The one with the days of the week on it? Yea, that one.

Let me explain. I have a different idea for a different blog each day of the week. Feel free to contact me about ideas, questions, or what not. I would LOVE LOVE to give advice for those who would like to hear my opinion on something. Otherwise, I’ll just write what pops into my head, I suppose.

* Mommy Mondays – More of a parenting day. Tips, tricks, ideas, whining, whatever. If it involves children or parenting, and I have an idea on it, then it will be posted on Mondays. And it’s NOT just for the mommies – daddy doesn’t start with an ‘M.’

* Terrific Tuesdays – Well, it’s just as the title says! It’s terrific! Positive messages, a thought for the day, some helpful advice on life in general, a funny joke, a funny picture, yea you get the point, right?

* Wide-Eyed Wednesdays – A little somethin’ somethin’ to make ya say “huh?”

* Tempter-tantrum Thursdays – Yea, I bitch. I saw a wonderful sign online once that said “bitching, whining, and moaning is what keeps me young.” I liked that sign. :) So I shall bitch at least one day a week on something I find absolutely stupid that involves some portion of society.

* Free Fridays – It’s a free day! Whatever doesn’t fit anywhere else or whatever else I feel I want to share. Advice, tips, tricks, whatever. Maybe one day it’ll be sex related. Who knows. :)

* Snapshot Saturdays – Of course… a photo with a story. Who could resist? :)

So, feel free to rebuttal against anything you see me post. Don’t forget to link me in it… bad attention is still attention. :) I love all comments. Now shoo!!! Go comment! :)

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