Monday, August 24, 2009


When you think of risks, many people automatically think of things such as cliff diving, rock climbing, sky diving, bungee jumping, etc.

I like to look at things a little differently, especially since I don’t tend to do many things others consider to be a risk.

Besides the fact that I sometimes splurge by buying things I don’t need, I also tend to take risks within the dating realm.

I never really considered dating to be much of a risk several years ago. I look at things differently now, especially after the huge risk I took about three years ago.

What risk?

I met a guy in a club.

Never do it. Meeting people in clubs and bars is generally a not so great idea. Sure, they’re fun to dance with or grab a couple drinks with, but taking it to a greater level is not usually a great idea. I’m not saying that it can never happen, but you generally don’t meet husband or wife material in an alcohol-selling establishment – of course, I go but I consider myself wife material. :)

Anywho, back to the subject at hand.

I took a risk. I met a guy in a local club. I fell in love. I moved him in. (Not all at one time nor in the same night, of course, but still.) And I became a single mother of two children instead of just one.

That was just the beginning of the risk in that relationship. The majority of the risk-taking I did involved staying in a relationship with him for a longer period of time than I needed to be.

But, regardless of all the cheating, lying, and multiple forms of abuse I dealt with, I have to say it was one of the best risks I have taken in my life. I do not regret it – not even one minute of it. I wouldn’t go back in time and change one thing about the entire experience. After all, I did get one precious little gift from God out of the whole thing.

hospital bassinet


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