Friday, September 18, 2009


He’s a jackass.

And the award for the smartest thing to come out of a president’s mouth in a long time goes to Barack Obama!

I’m not here to talk smack about Obama today. We’ll save that for AFTER I feel confident I know what his crappy little health care plan involves.

Nor am I here to call Kanye a jackass… okay okay maybe I am here for that. :)

I am here to point my finger at each and every person who has just helped sky rocket Kanye’s record sales and his publicity. That’s right. All you people who have stood up dissing Kanye for what he did at the VMA’s. I’m not saying what he did was right, but I am saying the American response to what he did just sky rocketed his popularity.

Even bad attention is good attention.

Will someone please tell me how Kanye West’s little temper tantrum was CNN worthy?

Not only that, but would someone else please tell me why a professional psychologist needed to be involved on diagnosing him as a bully?

It’s the classic little kid act. Child one sees child 2 with a shiny new toy. Child 1 gets jealous. Child 1 runs up and yanks the shiny new toy away from child 2. Child 1 breaks shiny new toy to make child 2 cry, and it works. Child 1 is punished by parents.

My friends, child 1 just received what sociologists like to call “positive reinforcement.” Child 1 got what he wanted—attention—which means child 1 now has the realization that, in the future, all he has to do to get what he wants is steal someone’s toy and break it or throw a tantrum.

Not only did child 1 get what he wanted from stealing and breaking the toy, but child 2 also got what she wanted by the parents babying her after she threw a tantrum to get child 1 punished.

Both are now products of positive reinforcement gone wrong.

In case you haven’t figured it out, Kanye would be considered child 1 while Taylor is child 2.

You see how they both get public appearances to talk about the issue at hand? Kanye gets Jay Leno and Taylor gets The View. They both got rewarded. Granted, Taylor did keep her cool during the VMA’s—or at least the portion I saw she did.

Hell, Kanye even got Presidential time! Which means, all in all, Kanye does something wrong and Kanye reaps more rewards from the incident.

Dr. Phil had it right, although I still don’t understand why many Americans would need to come to the same conclusion after hearing a psychologist say it. Attention whore. Kanye is an attention whore. And he’s getting EXACTLY what he wanted—attention.

Now, according to Dr. Phil, Kanye is playing the “I’m sad, I need to heal” role. Again, another plot to gain attention.

From a parent’s perspective, someone should have stepped up to Kanye and simply said “honey, it’s not nice to take things from other people, now say you’re sorry” and left it at that. And maybe possibly teach him the correct way to have acted. From a psychologist standpoint, he probably should have taken his “anger” or whatever and gone and written a letter to Taylor or the fans who voted for her, and then burned it. That way he would get his feelings out and no one would get hurt in the process.

From a sociological standpoint, he’s a whiney child who has learned how to be that way from society encouraging him to do so.

I shall now bring you back to your regularly scheduled program…. no stupid, I mean I owe you a part 2 blog from the last one I posted so it’s going up today too. :) Wait for it. :)

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