Wednesday, September 16, 2009


This should be good enough to piss a few of the men off out there, since that’s what many people believe I enjoy doing anyway. :) But, since I already trashed on women, it’s a definite that I have to now trash on the men. :)  

Part 2 of a 2 part blog-the male’s version (what he was really thinking). Guys, feel free to step in and bitch about whatever it is you didn’t like to read. :)

Scenario 1: Guy approaches girl. Girl hasn’t noticed guy before. Guy makes small talk.
Guy: He’s either really bored or he thinks he has a chance gettin’ in girl’s pants at some point in the future.
Response: You know, maybe you should make us aware of your intentions, because sometimes we tend to jump to marriage and first date thoughts, and then there are those of us who believe all men just like to carry on conversations with us. *insert eye roll here*

Scenario 2: Same guy from scenario 1 approaches girl a second time. This time names are exchanged, and small talk continues.
Guy: He’s definitely starting to see girl as potential bedroom material at some point down the line-maybe not consciously, but the little seed in his mind has already been planted.
Response: Again, refer to response for scenario one, because by this time, we’re definitely starting to think of future plans with your horny ass.

Scenario 3: Guy walks by. Girl thinks guy is absolutely GORGEOUS! Has no idea who guy is.
Guy: He either doesn’t notice girl exists—which is the most likely of the two—or he notices girl and either a)has no clue girl is looking at him like that or b)knows girl is looking at him with those eyes and automatically switches to player mode. He knows he has a good chance getting laid and possibly fairly quickly.
Response: Okay, even if we think you’re hot at first glance it doesn’t mean we’re going to jump in the sack with you any faster—okay so maybe many females would, but not all.  Secondly, pay attention for crying out loud!

Scenario 4: Girl begins dating a guy she finds absolutely gorgeous. She originally flirted to the point where he felt compelled to approach her and ask her out.
Guy: He DEFINITELY knows sex will be involved, and he knows he’s gettin it ASAP. He also knows girl may be likely to either a)be his “sugar mama,” b)sleep with him any time he wants it, c)not notice if he decides to treat her like shit or cheat on her, or d)all of the above.  Basically, guy knows this girl will have his back and he can continue to do whatever he pleases.
Response: Guys, this would be the definition of “use.” Although, if my conscience would allow it, I’d probably take advantage of an idiot too. No offense ladies, but reacting the way he knows you probably will is a little on the idiotic side.

Scenario 5: Guy approaches girl. The two begin dating. Guy is very nice, extremely respectful, and strangely traditional. Guy falls in love. Guy expresses his love for girl.
Guy: Guy is in love with girl. This girl is potential wifey material, most definitely. Sex can wait, because he knows he will get it eventually, yet he’s infatuated enough to wait.
Response: This is the ideal guy, unfortunately women tend to be turned off for whatever reason. It’s almost as if deep down we enjoy being treated like shit even though we say we don’t. To the guys like this, you best start acting a little bad or something otherwise girl is liable to run. No, stupid, run AWAY. 

This blog courtesy  of my extreme boredom. It sounded much better when it was all in my head. :)

Have a good day!

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