Sunday, November 8, 2009


The pill makes women pick bad mates – Jeanna Bryner

The birth control pill. For years it’s been the life saver of many women. It’s also been a topic of different debates. On one side, the pill basically goes against all that the evolutionary theory stands for. Our purpose in life is procreation, and the birth control pill hinders that concept. HA! I don’t know about many of you, but my purpose in life is to NOT create 400 babies of which my body could possibly produce.

Still, against the birth control pill arguments consist of the idea that the pill will make women more promiscuous. I suppose there are the idiots who exist thinking that the pill is some greater form of awesomeness which will prevent them from oh say… contracting some strange disease and DYING.

Of course, there’s the religious debate about how the pill simply encourages pre-marital sex, and that’s just WRONG. I’m in no way trying to bad mouth those with these beliefs, I’m just simply pointing them out.

Yet, millions of women are on the pill for whatever reason. My purpose was to prevent the 400 babies that my body is equipped to spit out.

The funny thing about the pill is this new research which has been conducted showing that the pill actually blocks pheromones. Studies show that pheromones are actually stronger attraction agents (or whatever you want to call it) than simple physical attraction. Basically, that subconscious smell you smell yet you don’t smell at the same time is what attracts you to someone.

“Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes are involved in immune response and other functions, and the best mates are those that have different MHC smells than you. The new study reveals, however, that when women are on the pill they prefer guys with matching MHC odors.” ~Jeanna Bryner,

Apparently, matching MHC odors are bad. Jeanna Bryner’s study found that couples having dissimilar genes are more likely to be satisfied in their relationship and remain faithful to each other. Her study also found that when women are on the pill, meet a mate, fall in love, and then take themselves off the pill, their relationship will actually suffer, because they will no longer be compatible or attracted to that other person. It was also found that MHC similarity in couples could lead to fertility problems. Women on the pill have different odor preferences than women off the pill.

My theory which fits very closely with this study is that it’s not women who are loser magnets, it’s the birth control pills that are the loser magnets. Thank you FDA for giving us the approval we needed to meet the losers we’ve dated. :) I had to throw that last bit in there so I could go with the mainstream, popular, American belief that we’re supposed to place blame for our own faults on other people.

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