Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Therefore, get off your imaginary white horse, and stop running in to “save the day” when it’s going to cost you your freedom.

Sure, we all dream of having that prince charming sweep us off our feet; coming into save the “damsel in distress,” but this “damsel in distress” is not defined as the girl who cheats on you with another male, you get all pissy about it, and you and aforementioned male get into it over the female, or basically because of the female.

And if I, as the “prince charming,” acted upon my free will to allow myself to be involved in a confrontation with this other male, I sure wouldn’t be willing to try to resolve the relationship issues with said female. Don’t get me wrong, said female is not necessarily a bad person—she just made a bad choice. And said prince charming also made bad choices. We all make mistakes. That’s life, and we’re only human beings. But, if said female truly cared about said prince charming, the confrontation wouldn’t have occurred to begin with nor would there be any need from either side for there to be any sort of confrontation with another male regarding this female.

Moral of the story: Life is not a Disney movie, nor is it a story book fairy tale. There is a consequence, good and/or bad, for every action and every word spoken, whether good or bad, and your freedom isn’t worth letting go of for a female unless that female is your own flesh and blood. At least, that’s my opinion. I’m sure others have different opinions.

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