The two were really hitting it off well with each other. Of course, they had their ups and downs just as anyone in a relationship would.
They continued their relationship - talking on the phone almost nightly, meeting up at the skating rink every weekend at least once if not twice, and passing notes back and forth through Kenny.
Brandy kept every note she got from him in a little lock box under her bed. She kept little tokens of their time together like fair tickets, pictures, and even cds she went out and bought just because the music on them reminded her of him.
They even had their own song. She remembered their telephone conversation for years.
"Hey, we need a song," he had told her. She had snuck outside to talk with him privately in her mom's car in the front yard. Her mother could not know about the two of them being together. Mixing races was a topic she wanted to avoid altogether with her parents.
"We do?"
"Yes," was all he responded as he began to play a song in the background for her to hear.
She fell in love with it immidiately... and with him even more.
They had their first kiss at the skating rink shortly before that moment. It was akward. Her with her braces and him with his perfection. As akward as it was, it sent her heart fluttering in a million different directions. No, the simple sight of him sent her heart fluttering in a million different directions. His touch did twice as much. His lips pressed against hers stopped her breathing.
It wasn't long before a new skating rink opened up. This one was actually 20 minutes closer to her home which made it even closer to his. With the new skating rink came new memories she could never forget even if she tried.
One Friday night, her and Jamie made their ritual trip to the rink. This time, it was to the new one. She and Joey had a small conflict upon the girls' arrival. Brandy saw Joey eyeing a tall, skinny blonde. At that young age in her life, just him looking at another girl sent a wave of heat flowing through her veins.
She refused to confront him about it, thinking that he would find it silly of her to be jealous over something so small. She refused to confront him even when he came up to her at the first couple's skate of the night and told her he was going to skate with this tall, skinny blonde because he 'felt bad for her.' Brandy was left sitting on the sidelines during that first song. Rather, she was left standing on the sidelines, in utter rage, debating on whether or not she should chase down her boyfriend and this new floozy only to accidently let her skate float right in front of the blonde's when she least expected it. It took all she had in her, including what felt like a tear or two coming on, to keep from doing just that.
The song finally came to an end after what seemed like an eternity of her watching her boyfriend prance around the rink with another girl. She was trying to concentrate on the conversation Jamie was attempting to have with her while trying to find her boyfriend at the same time.
She hears...
"This next song goes out to Brandy" came belting from the DJ booth.
She didn't recognize the music at all when it first came on. It was a slow song, and the sound of it nearly made her fall to her knees.
"I fell in love with you, twas like a dream come true, and my love for you will never end, oh no..." as he came skating up to where she stood, hand held out, belting out each word in the lyrics as if he had written the song.
There went that tear she attempted at holding back earlier. She grabbed his hand, and they took off around the rink, feeling as if they were the only two on the floor.
She never knew how much she could love someone until that moment. And for years, she thought of him and only him every time she heard that song.
This is the 4th story in 'A Tale of First Love'
3rd - Officially Together
2nd - Skates, Stars, and a Full Moon
1st - Anxiously Waiting
This is also my submission for the 'Surprises' theme in the Facebook group, McBloggery, for this week.
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